This item Ships to the 48 Contiguous United States via Fedex Ground delivery. This shipping excludes Alaska and Hawaii, P.O. Box or APO/FPO/DPO and International orders. Orders shipping to Canada will incur a shipping charge as well as taxes and duties.
Most orders ship within 3 - 5 business days, unless otherwise stated on the product page. Your estimated delivery time-frame is based upon your shipping location.
Please make sure to inspect your package when delivery is made and report any damages to us within 24 hours.
Because this item is not stocked in our warehouse, processing, transit times and stock availability will vary, and additional handling charges of $50.00 will apply to this item. This item also does not qualify for free shipping promotions. If you need your items by a certain date, please contact us prior to placing your order. Expedited shipping availability may vary. This item only ships within the continental lower 48 states. We cannot guarantee that this item can be cancelled off the order or returned once it is placed.
- Item Height (Seat Height): 38" - 42" (18" - 22")
- Item Width (Seat Width): 25" (19")
- Item Depth (Seat Depth): 21" (20")
- Item Weight: 33 lbs.
- Box Height: 22"
- Box Length: 24"
- Box Width: 12"
- Box Weight: 35 lbs.